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3 young women launching a business Launching a new business?  Have a fantastic new idea or product that you're convinced just can't miss?  Want to try selling online and tap into that huge lucrative internet market? Have lots of ambition and optimism but on a limited budget?

Over the years, we've been approached by eager entrepreneurs that have answered "yes" to some or all of the questions above... especially the last one - "on a limited budget ".

Hiring a web designer to build a professional website for your new start-up may not be necessary nor your wisest option. If funds are in short supply but you have some spare time and are reasonably "computer savvy", a "Do-it-yourself" website may be your best bet - especially if you want to "test the waters" with your new idea before grabbing your cheque book and diving head first into the deep end.

Why on earth would we steer a prospective client away from our professional services as web developers?  Simple.  Giving honest, practical and ethical advice almost always leads to payback down the road in the way of future business and referrals.  People have come back to us saying, "Our business venture didn't work out as we had hoped and we are so thankful for your honest money-saving advice."  Others have responded with "Our venture has worked out better than expected and we are now ready for a professionally developed website with custom features, a unique design, better SEO and a fast-loading mobile component."


Contemplating building your own website?  Here are some suggestions:

It really depends on what you’re looking for and what type of business you have or organization you're in. In general, Wix.com has been rated as the best overall drag & drop website builder because:

  • Wix updates their drag-and-drop tools on a regular basis as well as adding fresh new designs. Getting started is really quite easy and you can check out the video below for more info.
  • Wix allows you to add some of the latest designs without ever having to touch code (just drag & drop).  You can insert background videos, segment your page to have different background sections and customize the look to your heart's content.
  • Wix has a wide range of tools for specific needs like a hotel room booking engine, audio listening tools for bands and musical groups etc.

Watch the video


Need an e-Commerce website to sell your products online?

If you're wading into the online marketplace with your new product(s) and are looking for a simple, inexpensive solution to get started, Shopify.com is likely your best bet.  Shopify will host your online shopping website and has a wide range of design options and sales tools along with 24/7 support to get your online store launched. 

"I need something ridiculously easy because I'm not the most computer savvy person in the world"

A D-I-Y website building platform called Weebly.com is designed to be really simple for even the most "technically challenged" users to get up and running with minimal head scratching and desk pounding.


Overall Rankings:

  • Best Overall – Wix
  • Best e-Commerce online shopping platform - Shopify
  • Coolest Designs – Squarespace
  • Easiest to Use for the "technically challenged"  – Weebly


Check out this helpful comparison chart!