A lot of business owners focus their time and attention on the "bread and butter" of their business. That product line or service they sell to generate revenue to pay rent & salaries, buy stuff to keep the business going and, hopefully, have some cash left over to show a profit.
The company website is often considered as one of those fringe (and often neglected) things you keep around because your competitors have one and you need your contact info out there so customers can get in touch.
Some business owners even rationalize that, since they have all the business they can handle, there's no reason to bother with a website upgrade and spending money they don't have to.
Savvy business owners have come to realize that their website is very likely the first point of contact most prospective customers and potential job applicants will have with their business. The second point, "potential job applicants", is often overlooked as an extremely valid reason to have a modern and impressive website.
Sourcing and hiring skilled and qualified workers is one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks facing Canadian businesses. Quite simply, skilled job seekers can now pick and choose companies they would like to work for.
Here, in the Golden Triangle of Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge and Guelph, the technology, retail, manufacturing, construction and service industries are booming. Thousands of graduates from our universities and colleges embark on job searches every year and online research is their number one tool for evaluating jobs and companies they would like to work for.
When a job seeker embarks on a career search, your company's website will be the first stop in their assessment as to whether they decide to apply for that job ad you just posted. Is your website up to the scrutiny? Is your business missing out on opportunities to hire the best people because your website is failing to impress and lacks in comparison to those of your competitors? What's it worth to your business to hire the best people or risk losing them to your competitors because your website projects a poor or mediocre first impression?
Never Underestimate the Value of Professionalism
Whether being viewed by a potential customer, job applicant or even one of your competitors, a highly professional website will deliver that all-important, favourable first impression that will not only elevate the online presence of your company but also the overall professional status of your business in the marketplace. It will likely be your number one source for sales leads, inquiries and convincing qualified job seeks to apply. What's that all worth to your business? Probably a heck of a lot more than you may realize!
... and in terms of R.O.I., a professional website is one of the best investments you can make for your business.