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Our Services

  • Website Design
    Website Design
    Having meticulously developed our own web platform and content management from the ground up, we can customize your website to accommodate any special or unique features you may need.

    With an emphasis on visual appeal, functionality, performance and maintainability, our websites are built to make your business or organization stand out above the rest.

    For Ontario based businesses, our websites are AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Dissabilities Act) compliant.

  • e-Commerce
    When we built our eCommerce platform, we adhered to the following principles. Keep it simple, avoid confusing the customer at all costs, keep it friendly, make checking out a breeze, allow the customer to showcase their products in the most visually appealing way and make it easy to update and maintain.

    We do not use any 3rd party shopping cart software so there are no subscription fees and, because we developed the software ourselves, we can add custom features if needed.

  • Fast Loading Mobile Websites
    Fast Loading Mobile Websites
    5 seconds to render... any longer and your mobile visitors become increasingly impatient and you risk losing them.

    We build our mobile sites with a much smaller footprint than the desktop version to minimize loading time on less powerful mobile devices without sacrificing content.

  • Digital Graphics Design
    Digital Graphics Design
    The all important "WOW!!" factor... Visually appealing web pages with attention grabbing graphics and eye-catching promotional banners will capture the attention of site visitors and keep them on your site. Our talented graphic designers will create "the look" to achieve the impact you want.

  • Search Engine Optimization
    Search Engine Optimization
    The majority of users don't look beyond the top 10 organic (non-paid) search engine results. If your site doesn't fall within that range, you won't be getting the site traffic you deserve. Keywords and meta tags no longer sway Google but current & quality content, device compatibility, performance and link popularity do.

    We can help format your site to target the audience you want to reach.

  • Custom Programming & Database Design
    Custom Programming & Database Design
    We love the blend of the technical and creative aspects of web design. If your site needs a custom feature or component, we have the programming skills to develop and integrate within our platform without the need for 3rd party plugins which may or may not be safe.

  • Copywriting and Editing
    Copywriting and Editing
    No time to write up copy for your website? Unsure of the best choice of words and phrases to best convey your message? Simply provide us with your outline and we will create informative, concise copy that will also incorporate key words and phrases to act as "fuel" for the search engines.

  • Email Marketing
    Email Marketing
    Add a sign-up form to your website that directly updates the Constant Contact or Mail Chimp subscribers list.

    We can also assist in creating graphics, promotional ads and copy for your email campaign.

  • Video Editing
    Video Editing
    Video is a highly informative, entertaining and time-saving medium to promote your company, product or service. We can edit your raw footage and integrate special effects and text overlays to educate your viewers in a way they'll enjoy!

  • Content Management System
    Content Management System
    Our Pixweaver Content Management System has been custom developed to make it easy for even the non-computer savvy client to update their own website content.

    Each website we deliver includes an on-site training session on CMS functions as well as ongoing support that spans the life of the website.

    The overwhelming response we hear from our customers on our CMS is "It's so easy to use!".

  • Google Analytics
    Google Analytics
    Access to statistics on web traffic, page popularity, search phrases and geographic origins are important in understanding what's working on your website and what needs improving.

    We will assist you in subscribing to Google Analytics and install the necessary scripts on your web pages to capture those all-important statistics.

  • Web Hosting and Domain Name Management
    Web Hosting and Domain Name Management
    We can help you with your domain name selection, registration and domain management. Integrating a key word or two within your domain name can enhance your search engine placement.

    We can also assist with the set up of email accounts on both desktop and mobile devices as well as configuring spam filters.

    Although we do not host websites in-house, we do maintain close relationships with highly recommended 3rd party Canadian hosting companies with high performance servers and top notch support.